but refined types like breads, pastas, and refined sugars



Of all the various sorts of chocolate, bittersweet chocolate has rock bottom carb content. We recommend it as an occasional treat. The odd little bit of bittersweet choco usatimes.cc late is far better for you than diabetic chocolate, which doesn’t do much for your blood sugar levels and may have unfortunate laxative effects.

Parting tips for snacking success

Don’t let food be an afterthought
Have healthy usanews.cc snacks available and prioritize eating enough and at regular intervals. Test your blood glucose before and after new foods and throughout the day to understand what your body needs.

Do your best to avoid processed carbs

Carbs aren’t the enemy, but refined types like breads, pastas, and refined sugars wreak havoc on blood glucose levels. search for healthy alternatives like Banza, which is pasta made up of chickpeas that’s high in protein and fiber.

Favor plant protein                            

Not all protein is made equal — animal protein can contribute to insulin resistance. Research supports swapping animal proteins for plant-based options to 


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